HHI /Renegade Wheels 2021 Catalog

Jere Booher He l l Bent Cus tom Cyc l es 2006 Road Gl i de®

ROCKLIN Informally referred to as “the Rock.” An unconventional style with five barbs aggressively leading the way, “the Rock”was designed with swept spokes flowing from the hub to rim. A less conservative look for the progressive Renegade customer!

26 x 3 . 75” Front Rock l i n Whee l 18 x 5 . 5” Rear Rock l i n Whee l Match i ng Rock l i n Ai r Cl eaner HHI Rake and Tr ipl e Tree k i t Renegade Hi dden Ax l e k i t Match i ng Rock l i n Pu l l ey Match i ng Cog Rotor


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